Proceedings Instructions

Now it is time to plan to submit your work presented at the AAA Annual Conference for inclusion in the Proceedings for 2025

Please submit by the end of conference, March 9th, 2025. Please read the below instructions carefully as they are new.

Congratulations on your paper acceptance and for presenting your work at our 2025 conference.

We are now ready to compile the official conference Proceedings.

There are three (3) options for you, but for all options there are things you need to do.

  • Option 1: Just publish the paper title, abstract and author names and affiliations.
  • Option 2: Publish an extended abstract, with title, author names and affiliations. Extended abstracts can be up to 4 pages in length and typically provide more details about the method and results than an abstract. Extended abstracts typically have a shorter list of references too. Abstracts and extended abstracts do NOT have tables.
  • Option 3: Publish a full paper, with title, abstract, author names and affiliations. If you publish the full paper, you may be precluded from submitting it elsewhere, depending on the policies of the outlet to which you send it.

In deciding whether to publish an abstract or a full-length paper, you may be interested to know that the AAA has agreements with both EBSCO and ProQuest to have your paper(s) included in their databases, making them accessible by researchers all over the world!

Here is what you will need to do for each option:

Option 1: Publishing only an abstract.

Format your abstract using the instructions below making sure that the paper title, abstract, author names and affiliations are in the proper Proceedings format. Simply delete your old file and upload this new file to Confmaster by March 9th, 2025.


Option 2 or 3: Publishing an extended abstract or full paper

If you want to use an extended abstract or full paper, then you must format your papers in the required proceedings format and upload your new file to ConfMaster by March 9th, 2025.

Please note that you will be replacing the current version of the paper on Confmaster. Please choose the edit paper option.

Log in to ConfMaster to upload your new and formatted files in MS Word.

To replace the existing paper in ConfMaster you need to:

  1. Click the “Submissions” tab
  2. Select “View own papers” and click (your paper details will appear in a table format)
  3. Click on the checkbox (this is the first icon in the last column of the paper details)
  4. This will take you to “Submission Details”
  5. Upload the new file by clicking "replace paper file"
  6. Click “Submit”

For Special Topics Sessions:

Special topics sessions will also use the same formatting instructions located on the AAA site and listed below. Again, upload your formatted special topics summary to ConfMaster in Word. Due date will be announced soon.


  • Use 8½x11 size paper ONLY (not A4 size paper)
  • Do not include page numbers
  • Entire document should be single spaced, margins normal setting (one inch top, left, right, bottom). All text should be left justified.
  • Title: ALL IN CAPS, BOLD, TIMES NEW ROMAN, 14 POINT and center justified
  • One blank line between title and authors
  • Authors: Italicized, Times New Roman, 12 point and center justified
  • One blank line between authors and header
  • Header (e.g. Abstract, Overview, Introduction, Methods, etc.): Times New Roman, 14 point, bold and center justified
  • One blank line between header and start of text
  • One blank line before and after each header
  • First line of each new paragraph should be indented .5
  • Subhead: Italicized Times New Roman, 10 point, flush left, no indenting, text starts on following line (no extra space)
  • Text should be 10 point Times New Roman

It is recommended that you look at the samples of abstracts, extended abstracts and full papers from the 2018 proceedings before you format your paper by clicking here.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Vice President, Chang-Dae Ham, at [email protected]